Grant Support

Conflicts of Interest, Grant Support, and Financial Disclosure Policy


The Insights-Journal of Health and Rehabilitation (IJHR) requires full transparency from authors regarding any potential conflicts of interest that might influence, or appear to influence, their work. This includes both financial and personal affiliations or relationships that could unduly bias their research.


Conflicts of Interest:


Authors must disclose any associations that pose a conflict of interest in relation to their manuscript. This includes, but is not limited to, financial interests such as employment, consultancy roles, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimonies, patents or pending patent applications, and travel grants that originated within three years preceding the submission of their work.

If authors deem they have no conflicts of interest, this must be explicitly stated.

Grant Support and Financial Disclosure:


Financial contributions to the work being reported, including funding, grants, equipment, and other resources, must be clearly disclosed.

Authors involved in research funded by an entity must furnish a statement certifying their unrestricted access to all study data, affirming their comprehensive responsibility for the integrity of the data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

This statement of full access and responsibility ensures the credibility and transparency of the research presented and must accompany the manuscript submission.

Reviewer Disclosure:


Reviewers are also required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could affect their impartial assessment of a manuscript. This ensures the integrity of the peer-review process.

Publication of Disclosures:


IJHR is committed to the principle of transparency. As such, disclosures of conflicts of interest, grant support, and financial disclosures will be published alongside the relevant articles, ensuring that readers are aware of any factors that might influence the content or interpretation of the research.

This policy is designed to uphold the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in scientific research, safeguarding the trust of the scientific community and the public in the research published by IJHR.